Individual Giving
Friend of the Ballet Up to $249
- Recognition in the season program.
- Invitation to special events.
Supporter $250-$499
- All benefits of Friends of the Ballet
- Invitation for two to Open Rehearsals.
Patron of the Ballet $500-$2,499
- All benefits of Supporter.
- Two complimentary tickets to "The Nutcracker"
- Recognition on Greensboro Ballet's website.
Benefactor $1,000-$2,499
- All benefits of Patron of the Ballet.
- Invitation for two to a private dress rehearsal in the Carolina Theatre.
Silver Sponsor $2,500-$4,999
- All benefits of Benefactor.
- Four complimentary tickets to "The Nutcracker" or "Storybook Tales"
- Special recognition on Greensboro Ballet's website.
Gold Sponsor $5,000-$9,999
- All benefits of Silver Sponsor.
- Recognition on all promotional items.
Diamond Sponsor $10,000-$25,000
- All benefits of Gold Sponsor.
- Opportunity to sponsor a specific performance or event.
- Recognition as Season Sponsor.